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Håkan Carlsson



Research Quality and the Role of the University Leadership


  • Håkan Carlsson
  • Åsa Kettis
  • Anders Söderholm

Summary, in English

The Association of Swedish Higher Education (SUHF) Experts’ Committee on Quality has research quality as one of its focus areas. The mission is to collect and discuss experiences and knowledge on how it may be possible to support and improve research quality in universities, to facilitate the exchange of ideas and to disseminate knowledge through written reports, seminars and other ac-tivities. Universities should in this text be understood as any higher education institution (HEI) carrying out research activities.Research quality is a truly complex issue. We do not claim to have fully inves-tigated the topic. We have however held a number of interviews with leading experts and gone through a substantial amount of literature. It is obvious to us that this is a topical field of major importance, and a field that is given atten-tion on the agendas of many universities. Thus, the report is timely and can hopefully provide input for the ongoing debate and discussion on how to build and maintain research quality. To that end, the report is a starting point for discussion rather than a conclusive handbook.We would like to express our gratitude to the many experts, researchers and colleagues who have devoted their valuable time to meeting with us, reading report drafts, giving their comments and participating in seminars.


  • University leadership
  • Research quality




  • ISBN: 978-91-979437-3-4