Price list for other libraries
This information is intended for other libraries. Students or employees of Lund University may contact their subject library.
The prices apply to interlibrary loans to external borrowers, carried out by the libraries of Lund University.
- Copies (articles)* to publicly financed libraries** within the Nordic countries 80 SEK/article
- Copies (articles)* to other libraries and companies within the Nordic countries 150 SEK/article
- Copies (articles)* to other libraries and companies outside the Nordic countries - 2 IFLA-vouchers/150 SEK/article
- Issue of books to publicly financed libraries** within the Nordic countries free of charge
- Issue of books to other libraries in the Nordic countries and companies 150 SEK/book
- Issue of books to libraries outside the Nordic countries 2 IFLA-vouchers/150 SEK/book
*When article length exceeds 30 pages, a fee of 20 SEK per set of 10 pages started will be added.
** Publicly financed libraries include public, school and university college libraries, as well as a number of special libraries.
For more questions about interlibrary loans through the University Library, please contact: fjarr [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se