Nya e-resurser
Inför 2021 har det startas prenumeration på nedan resurser. Vi har redan access till resurserna men prenumerationerna startar först 1a januari.
- Konstnärliga fakultetens bibliotek har startat en prenumeration på Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI); EAI’s Educational Streaming Service is a unique subscription-based resource with almost 2,000 titles by 65 artists that are available for streaming via this digital delivery platform. Students, teachers, researchers, and librarians at subscribing institutions can access full-length, high-resolution media artworks for classroom and study use. To view the videos, users simply login to the EAI Educational Streaming Service portal, navigate to an artist’s page, and click on available titles as indicated by the “play” icon.
Länk till resurs i databaslistan: http://emedia.lub.lu.se/db/info/966 - Juridiska fakultetens bibliotek och EHL och tillsammans startat en prenumeration på Responsible Investor.
Länk till resurs: https://www.responsible-investor.com/ - Medicinska fakultetens bibliotek har startat en prenumeration på Covidence; Covidence är ett onlineverktyg du kan använda för systematiska litteraturöversikter. Verktyget kan underlätta urvalet av vilket material som ska inkluderas eller exkluderas i översikten.
Länk till resurs i databaslistan: http://emedia.lub.lu.se/db/info/967 - Det har startats en gemensam prenumeration på Global Newsstream; Global Newsstream enables users to search the most recent global news content – with archives that stretch back into the 1980s – from over 2,800 news sources including newspapers, newswires, news journals, transcripts, video, and digital-first content in full-text format. Global Newsstream provides one of the largest collections of news from the U.S., Canada, Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Australia. Global Newsstream incorporates the U.S. Newsstream, Canadian Newsstream, and International Newsstream databases. All titles are cross searchable on the ProQuest platform.
Länk till resurs: https://search.proquest.com/globalnews?accountid=12187 - Naturvetenskapliga fakultetens bibliotek har startat en prenumeration på Lyell Collection Complete, titlarna är sökbara via epublication.
Länk till Lyell Collection: https://www.lyellcollection.org/
Nya läs- och publiceringsavtal
Inför 2021 har ytterligare fyra avtal blivit läs- och publiceringsavtal. Efter att avtalen trätt i kraft kommer mer information om respektive avtal finnas på UBs sida om Förlagsavtal och rabatter.
- Brill Journals (BIBSAM)
- Emerald Journals (BIBSAM)
- IOS Press (BIBSAM)
- The Company of Biologists
Nedan resurser är uppsagda inför 2021.
- Current Protocols in Cytometry Online (CP) (BIBSAM)
- F1000 Prime Reports
- Henry Stewart Talks - Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection
- Mary Ann Liebert Online (BIBSAM)
- Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology (BIBSAM)
- Human Rights Studies Online
- LexisNexis Academic (Nexis Uni)
- British medical journal publishing group (BMJ All Journals) (BIBSAM)
- Elsevier Book Series Packages (Chemistry Engineering Physics & Astronomy Psychology) (2007-). Dessa titlar ingår nu i prenumerationen Elsevier All Access.
Swedish researchers’ responses to the cancellation of the big deal with Elsevier
Lisa Olsson, Camilla Lindelöw, Lovisa Österlund och Frida Jakobsson har gjort en innehållsanalys av svaren på den enkät som skickades ut till alla forskare om hur de påverkats under uppsägningen av Elsevieravtalet. Analysen visar att det inte finns någon enighet huruvida det var positivt eller negativt med uppsägningen.
Länk till artikel: Swedish Researchers’ Responses to the Cancellation of the Big Deal with Elsevier
Nytt om Plan S
Journal Checker Tool
cOAlition S har lanserat en tjänst där man kan se om om en tidskrift lever upp till Plan S; cOAlition S is excited to announce today, 18 November, the release of the Journal Checker Tool (JCT) in beta. The JCT is a web-based tool which provides clear advice to researchers on how they can comply with their funder’s Plan S-aligned Open Access policy when seeking to publish in their chosen journal. During this open testing phase, the community will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the JCT and provide feedback, so that the tool increases its readiness ahead of the implementation of Plan S in January 2021.
Länk till tjänst: Journal Checker Tool
Plan S compliant Transformative Journals
Plan S listar nu alla hybridtidskrifter som lever upp till kraven på att vara transformativa.
Länk till lista: List of all Plan S compliant transformative journals
The sOApbox
The sOApbox är cOAlition S officiella blogg. Mer information om 'Journal Checker Tool' och 'List of Plan S compliant transformative journals' finns på bloggen; The sOApbox is the official blog of cOAlition S featuring opinions, interviews and how-tos on the path towards the implementation of Plan S and aligned initiatives. It aims to inform and inspire both the research and publishing world on the necessity of full and immediate Open Access and to pave the way towards achieving this.
Länk till blogg: https://www.coalition-s.org/blog/
Proposal to install spyware in university libraries to protect copyrights shocks academics
Flera förlag, Elsevier, Springer Nature med flera, har skapat ett nätverk SNSI (the Scholarly Networks Security Initiative). Nätverket har lagt fram ett kontroversiellt förslag som går ut på att man vill installera en programvara som kan övervaka användare via bibliotekens proxy servrar. Förslaget presenterades under ett webbinarium i oktober och väckte starka reaktioner.
Mer information: Proposal to install spyware in university libraries to protect copyrights shocks academics
Open Research Europe
EU lanserar nu Open Research Europe (ORE) som är en ny publiceringsplattform för open access; Open Research Europe is an open access publishing platform for the publication of research stemming from Horizon 2020 funding across all subject areas. The platform makes it easy for Horizon 2020 beneficiaries to comply with the open access terms of their funding and offers researchers a publishing venue to share their results and insights rapidly and facilitate open, constructive research discussion.
Länk till ORE: https://open-research-europe.ec.europa.eu/
Plattformen har fått en del kritik, mer information: https://sciencebusiness.net/framework-programmes/news/new-eu-open-peer-review-system-stirs-debate
DOAJ - ny webbplats
DOAJs webbplats lanserar flera nya funktionaliteter.
Mer information: An update on upcoming features
Länk till DOAJ i databaslistan: http://emedia.lub.lu.se/db/info/150
- Pinhasi, Rita, Brigitte Kromp, Guido Blechl, and Lothar Hölbling: The Impact of Open Access Publishing Agreements at the University of Vienna in Light of the Plan S Requirements: A Review of Current Status, Challenges and Perspectives Insights
Wiens universitet har undersökt hur deras läs- och publiceringsavtal överensstämmer med kraven från Plan S. - Banks, Marcus: A Lesson of the Pandemic: All Prints Should Be Preprints
Plädering för det framväxande sättet att publicera preprints i ämnesarkiv utifrån Covid-19 publicering. Poynder, R: Open access: “Information wants to be free”?
Richard Poynder har skrivit en kritisk analys om OA-rörelsen utveckling.
Pågående tester
Gale Reference Complete 22 oktober - 31 december
Gale Reference Complete provides subscription access to the largest package of primary and secondary sources available to libraries today. Empowering users at all academic levels, from the undergraduate student to the experienced researcher, and covering nearly every research area and discipline, Gale Reference Complete offers high quality, authoritative and unique content at an affordable price to suit the needs of the academic library budget.
Oxford Bibliographies: Urban Studies 9 november - 31 december
Oxford Bibliographies has added a brand new subject, Urban Studies, featuring 45 new articles.Led by Editor-in-chief, Richardson Dilworth,Urban studies is a broad, interdisciplinary field of study that includes subfields not only in most of the major social sciences, but also in the humanities, and in more technical fields such as architecture, planning, engineering, environmental science, and legal studies.
Al Manhal eLibrary 19 - 31 december
Hundreds of thousands of full-text searchable publications (books, peer-reviewed journals, strategic studies, academic dissertations and educational videos) from the Arab world’s leading publishers, across a diverse range of topics, with more being added every week.
Who's Who & Who Was Who Online 23 november - 31 december
Who's Who is the leading source of up-to-date information about over 35,000 influential people from all walks of life, worldwide. Containing autobiographical listings of people from around the globe who have an impact on British life, including senior politicians, judges, civil servants, and notable figures from the arts, academia, and other areas, it is seen as one of the world's most recognised and respected works of reference.
Bestånd från ePublications
En ny version av Excel-filen med vårt bestånd från ePublications finns nu tillgänglig här: http://eresources.lub.lu.se/files/login/epublications/content-epublications.xlsx