Webbläsaren som du använder stöds inte av denna webbplats. Alla versioner av Internet Explorer stöds inte längre, av oss eller Microsoft (läs mer här: * https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/windows/end-of-ie-support).

Var god och använd en modern webbläsare för att ta del av denna webbplats, som t.ex. nyaste versioner av Edge, Chrome, Firefox eller Safari osv.

Nyhetsbrev (november) - E-media och vetenskaplig kommunikation

Realising the European Open Science Cloud

The European Open Science Cloud hub arrangerar ett fyra dagars online event ”Realising the European Open Science Cloud” den 16-19 november.

Help create a FAIR research data landscape. Discover new tools and techniques and aggregate your services to the EOSC Portal! EOSChub, FREYA and SSHOC are joining forces in shaping the EOSC. We invite social science and humanities researchers, data experts, research funders, policy makers, and representatives from research infrastructures, service providers, research libraries and archives, the EOSC Ecosystem, and ESFRI Cluster projects to join our online event and find out what we have to offer and how to get involved.
Länk till program och registrering: https://www.eosc-hub.eu/events/realising-european-open-science-cloud

Financial and technical support for open access scholarly journals

Kungliga biblioteket har publicerat en rapport om hur man tänker sig framtida stöd för nationella vetenskapliga tidskrifter.

Länk till rapport: Financial and technical support for open access scholarly journals

Forte - Plan S och open access

Resultaten av offentligt finansierad forskning ska vara tillgängliga för alla. Därför ställer Forte krav på att resultat från Forte-finansierad forskning ska publiceras med öppen tillgång. De nya riktlinjerna gäller från den 1 oktober 2020.

Mer infomation: https://forte.se/en/funding/ongoing-grants/plan-s-open-access/

Scoping the Open Science Infrastructure Landscape in Europe

SPARC Europe har publicerat en rapport som har tittat på infrastrukturer för öppen vetenskap i Europa.

"We see a diverse, interconnected, open, professional and viable, developing OS ecosystem in Europe on solid ground; one that is worth investing in. At the same time, this developing ecosystem faces a range of issues that challenge its path to a more open and sustainable future." This is a core conclusion of this new SPARC Europe report; the work is a result of a recent in-depth survey of infrastructure and/or services that are part of the European Open Science infrastructure (OSI) landscape.

Länk till rapport: Scoping the Open Science Infrastructure Landscape in Europe

COPIM – Revenue Models for Open Access Monographs 2020

Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs project (COPIM) har släppt en rapport som analyserar olika finansieringsmodeller för OA-monografier.

A report by the Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs project (COPIM) analysing the open access economic models in use today in scholarly publishing. The report examines academic monograph publishing in the context of today’s challenging monograph publishing environment: from Covid-19 and budget cuts, to print sales, funder mandates, and research evaluation.

Länk till rapport: Revenue Models for OA Monographs 2020

Unsub Gives Libraries Powerful Evidence to Walk Away from Big Deals

Unsub (fd Unpaywall) har vidareutvecklats till ett verktyg som kan fungera som beslutsstöd när man skall få e-mediabudgetar att användas effektivt.

“Libraries are stuck with these expensive Big Deal subscriptions, even as the growth of Open Access makes cancellation relatively painless. Librarians aren’t confident about their options about whether they can walk away,” Priem says. “That’s what Unsub is meant to fix.”

Länk till artikel: Unsub Gives Libraries Powerful Evidence to Walk Away from Big Deals

Länk till Unsub: https://unsub.org/


More new search discovery apps

En genomgång av nya söktjänster för vetenskapliga publikationer av Aron Tay.

Länk till artikel: http://musingsaboutlibrarianship.blogspot.com/

Internet Archive Scholar

The Internet Archive håller på att utveckla en tjänst som skall arkivera vetenskapliga artiklar.

Länk till resurs: Internet Archive Scholar

Nya e-resurser

Användarstyrt förvärv

Sedan 1 november har Juridikum och Raul Wallenberg Institutet en EBA (Evidence Based Aquisition) hos Brill på kollektionen Law. EBAn pågår till den 31 oktober 2021.

Pågående tester

Responsible Investor 27 oktober - 24 november
Responsible Investor is a dedicated news and events service covering Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues for sustainable investment and finance. ... Subscribers are kept informed of the latest people moves and jobs in responsible investing and receive exclusive offers.

Gale Reference Complete 22 oktober - 31 december
Gale Reference Complete provides subscription access to the largest package of primary and secondary sources available to libraries today. Empowering users at all academic levels, from the undergraduate student to the experienced researcher, and covering nearly every research area and discipline, Gale Reference Complete offers high quality, authoritative and unique content at an affordable price to suit the needs of the academic library budget.

Oxford Bibliographies: Urban Studies 9 november - 31 december
Oxford Bibliographies has added a brand new subject, Urban Studies, featuring 45 new articles.Led by Editor-in-chief, Richardson Dilworth,Urban studies is a broad, interdisciplinary field of study that includes subfields not only in most of the major social sciences, but also in the humanities, and in more technical fields such as architecture, planning, engineering, environmental science, and legal studies.


SCOAP3 i LUBsearch

SCOAP3 är nu sökbar på artikelnivå i LUBsearch Discovery.

Bestånd från ePublications

En ny version av Excel-filen med vårt bestånd från ePublications finns nu tillgänglig här: http://eresources.lub.lu.se/files/login/epublications/content-epublications.xlsx