New search interface
From fall 2025 LUBcat and LUBsearch will be replaced by a new search interface.
A beta version of the search system is available (you'll find a link below). Feel free to share your feedback, and let us know if you’re interested in participating as a test user in usability testing!
Beta version
In the beta version you can search the libraries' electronic and print collections. You can also request print material, save searches, manage your loans and more - most of the things you can do in LUBcat/LUBsearch. However, some functionality regarding user accounts is currently missing. In order to do the following things, you'll have to go to LUBcat:
- Create a new account.
- Change PIN code.
- Pay fees.
- Change pickup location.
Development in spring 2025
Other than adding the above mentioned functionality, there will also be some changes in the beta version before a finished version is launched in summer 2025. Below is a list of development work set for spring 2025:
- More intuitive ways to reach the fulltext for e.g. articles and e-books, as well as more intuitive was to order/find printed books and journals. This also means that the item display for printed books will change.
- The Swedish translation will be improved.
- New advanced search.
- Improved options to refine your search results.
- Various interface improvements. Overall, there may be minor changes to the interface and the appearance of records.
Usability testing
Usability testing will be conducted continuously. If you are a student or researcher and would like to participate, please send an email to usability [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se (usability[at]ub[dot]lu[dot]se).
A test takes approximately 20-25 minutes and is conducted on site at the University Library. We test different functionalities in the system by asking the test subjects to perform specific tasks. As a thank you for participating, you will receive a cinema ticket.
Usability test
Sign up to our usability tests: usability [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se (usability[at]ub[dot]lu[dot]se)