Open Books at Lund University (OBLU)
The Libraries at Lund University operates a platform for e-book publishing, with the purpose of providing an effective electronic dissemination of books produced at Lund University.
The platform
Open Books at Lund University (OBLU) is a platform for publishing open access e-books produced within Lund University. The platform is operated by the Libraries at Lund University, who also run the journal platform Open Journals at Lund University.
Open Books at Lund University (OBLU)
About Open Journals at Lund University (OJLU) at this website
The purpose of the platform is to provide a space for primary publishing of monographies, anthologies, and conference proceedings. Newly published and formerly published books can be made available on the site (with the copyright owners’ consent).
OBLU in short
- OBLU is based on the open source software Open Monograph Press (OMP), which is purpose-built for the production and publication of e-books, and provides good dissemination and searchability. You can read more about OMP at the developer PKP’s website.
- Content in OBLU can be assigned DOI, a permanent identifier that is the standard format for referencing digital documents.
- Chapters in anthologies and conference volumes can be published, regardless of whether the author is affiliated with Lund University or not.
- OBLU supports publishing in different formats. Apart from PDF it supports formats with extended functionality, such as HTML, XML, and EPUB.
Please note that OBLU is not a publisher and as such cannot take responsibility of the published content. The maintenance of scientificity, ethical considerations, and the responsibility for compliance with copyright law, is entirely up to the author and publisher of the content.
Publish your work at OBLU
Staff at the Libraries at Lund University handle the entire system, so authors and publishers need no knowledge of how to operate OMP. The published content must adhere to a set of guidelines, i.e. there must be an ISBN, a CC-license, etc. Please se our webpage with information about the guidelines for more details.
Guidelines and practical information
If you are interested in publishing your work at OBLU, please contact your faculty support, or write to publicera [at] lub [dot] lu [dot] se (publicera[at]lub[dot]lu[dot]se) if you belong to a faculty that has no faculty support.
Book fund
Since 2019, Lund University provides a fund for financing open access books and book chapters. If the publisher has not established a proper distribution for open access e-books, OBLU can instead be used for books financed by the fund.
About the Book fund on the University Library's webpage
Please contact publicera [at] lub [dot] lu [dot] se (publicera[at]lub[dot]lu[dot]se) for questions about OBLU and the book fund.
There are several librarians at the Libraries at Lund University who work with OBLU. Contact the librarian at your faculty library.
Libraries of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology
Ranka Steingrimsdottir
Jacob Andersson
forskningsstod [at] htbibl [dot] lu [dot] se (forskningsstod[at]htbibl[dot]lu[dot]se)
Faculty of Law Library
Jon Eriksen – jon [dot] eriksen [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se (jon[dot]eriksen[at]jur[dot]lu[dot]se)
Social Sciences Faculty Library
Ellen Fall – ellen [dot] fall [at] sambib [dot] lu [dot] se (ellen[dot]fall[at]sambib[dot]lu[dot]se)
University Library
Magnus Annemark – magnus [dot] annemark [at] ub [dot] lu [dot] se (magnus[dot]annemark[at]ub[dot]lu[dot]se)

Open Books at Lund University
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