Research publications
Lund University’s research publications, for example articles, doctoral theses, conference papers, and reports, are collected in the LUCRIS research information system. In many cases, researchers can make their work freely accessible in full text.
Registering and uploading your publication in LUP
Use your Lucat account to log into LUCRIS and register your publications.
More help and information can be found in the Staff pages.
Making your full text available through self-archiving
You can self-archive all publications to which you retain the copyright. Many publishers also allow parallel publishing through agreement or policy. This means that you can upload a PDF copy of a publication to LUCRIS.
Read more on the web page self-archiving.
Read more on the web page copyright.
Open Access journals
Open Access (OA) journals are journals whose content is freely available to readers. Publication costs are covered through a financial model other than subscription. More and more research fields offer freely available alternatives for publishing as the number of OA journals increases.
LUP Search
You can search research publications from Lund University with the help of Advanced search in LUP.